Our Partners:


Vösendorf (Austria),

Contact: Hans Thor

WHC Vösendorf
home: http://www.whc-voesendorf.at






Reggello (Tuscany, Italy)

Contact: Paolo Rosetti (paolo_rosseti@libero.it )

Tartarughe del Pratomagno
home: https://www.facebook.com/TARTARUGHE-DEL-PRATOMAGNO-141631475849395/









Billy Montigny (France)

Contact: Michel and Anne-Marie Lheureux-Herbez








Roßdorf/Rhön (Thuringia, Germany)

Contact: Uwe Wichler and Helmut Wichler  
(uwewichler@web.de, hwichler@web.de)

home: http://www.tsv08.rossdorf-rhoen.de/europarad.html



Bönen (NRW, Germany)

Contact: Rainer Esskuchen








Kindberg (Steiermark, Austria)

Contact: stadtgemeinde@kindberg.at 

home: http://www.kindberg.at/wander-lauf-und-radtouren






Benatky (Czechia)

Contact: podatelna@benatky.cz

home: http://www.benatky.cz/







Griesheim (Hesse, Germany)

Contact: Peter Schulz








Groß Umstadt (Hesse, Germany)

Contact: Klaus Dummel







Roßdorf (Hesse, Germany)

Contact: Bernd Schäfer


home: www.europarad.net

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